Monday, November 25, 2013

Project Planning And Control – Valuable Tips To Enable An Organization To Deliver Promptly Even well-laid plans can falter. This is true, be it in life or work.

In the professional realm, where time and predictability are of the greatest essence, it is necessary to come up with operation excellence through project planning and control. Planning and control brings together two important processes required in just about any business: baseline planning and updating or reporting of progress. However, it is important to note that the responsibility of fulfilling these processes does not lie entirely upon the shoulders of project managers. Rather, these are the responsibilities of all those who are involved in the project, from the higher management down to the role players.

While there are various strategies an organization can implement, one of the most important things it can do is to evaluate itself in order to bring to light gaps or weaknesses which may hinder it from delivering results on time.

Next, organizations must fully commit to the processes involved in the completion of the project. It is not merely enough for assigned project managers to fulfil their duties. Rather, it is essential for everyone with a role in the project, be it big or small, to participate to the best of their abilities.

Organizations should also determine a uniform scheduling method that each role player must adhere to. Instead of relying on various personnel to determine schedules using critical path, assigning another to mapping a table and another to select dates on the calendar, members of the team should sit down to lay down a feasible plan. Two of the most common methods employed by seasoned planners and project managers are the critical path method and the critical chain method. Both are valuable for organizations because they enable them to perform various tasks like project modeling and task-level scheduling with greater precision. Both are also valuable in creating progress updates.

Project managers can be considered the linchpins that bring various elements and people together in order to complete tasks and ensure the prompt turnover of a project. As such, project managers should be honed to enable them to gain important skills including proficiency in a chosen scheduling method and software training. Apart from these, project managers can be upgraded with soft skills like team building and time management.

Finally, organizations must learn to focus on the completions of tasks one at a time. Many organizations falter by institutionalizing multi-tasking which, at surface level, may seem to be the appropriate mind set. In reality, it can muddle things up quickly rather than actually contributing to moving a project forward.

About the author: Sarah Miller is a business consultant by profession and a content creator, writer and blogger by passion. She is visiting websites like

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